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Plainview High School

Plainview ISD had spent several years looking for a new District Architect after the resident architect retired from practice. After numerous endeavors with various firms in the region had failed to leave the district satisfied, CHA was hired. After completing a multi-purpose center at the Coronado a Junior High Campus, CHA moved to the task of addressing the issues at the High School. These issues that are facing many of our school districts included inadequate power for today’s technology, insufficient circulation and classroom space, systems at the end of their life cycles, and the effects of building age, originally built in 1952.

After careful evaluation of the existing campus and the broader needs and the Long Range Planning goals of the District, CHA prepared a plan that would address many of the needs at the high school while allowing flexibility to the Board and the District as they continue their Long Range Planning. The result was a construction project that is to be implemented in three phases. First Phase included a new Library and Administration Addition, which was completed August 2012, Phase II includes the demolition of the former library and the construction of a new classroom wing which is to house 17 new classrooms and 3 state of the art Science Labs. Phase III includes the renovation of the original classroom wing. Which was completed in August 2013.

Our success at Plainview ISD is reflected in a comment of a Board of Trustee member who said, "We have finally found our architect!"

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